Welcome to the METABARPARK Project website. The project aims to apply the new high throughput sequencing technologies to characterize benthic communities in the Spanish Marine National Parks using environmental DNA (metabarcoding). Our main objective is to characterize the hidden biodiversity which is usually overlooked by traditional methods. We will also try to assess the community impacts of invasive seaweeds.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Metabarpark at the meeting "Jornadas de Investigación en la Red de Parques Nacionales 2016”

On October, 18 to 20, 2016 the meeting “Jornadas de Investigación en la Red de Parques Nacionales 2016” was held in the National Park of Tablas de Daimiel in Ciudad Real. This meeting gathered together staff from the OAPN central services, from the different National Parks, members of the Scientific Committee of the OAPN, and researchers that are developing projects in the National Park Network. The results of 13 projects corresponding to the 2013 call were presented in public talks, and there were also technical talks about programs currently underway in the Parks Network.

Xavier Turon gave a talk about the Metabarpark project, presenting the main findings and highlighting the potential of the genetic information for mid- and long- term biomonitoring of the communities.

This meeting has been a very good occasion for sharing experiences and discussing with colleagues and Park managers. Among the attendants were the staff from the Atlantic Islands Park (Pepín, Mercedes, Vicente), and many other acquaintances. It was such a pleasure to meet them all! I cannot resist mentioning also the fine gastronomy we enjoyed and the nice visit to the Tablas de Daimiel National Park that we did.

Family foto of the attendants to the meeting