Welcome to the METABARPARK Project website. The project aims to apply the new high throughput sequencing technologies to characterize benthic communities in the Spanish Marine National Parks using environmental DNA (metabarcoding). Our main objective is to characterize the hidden biodiversity which is usually overlooked by traditional methods. We will also try to assess the community impacts of invasive seaweeds.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Results from Metabarpark published!

The paper with the main results of the Metabarpark project has been published in the international journal PeerJ. It is open access and freely accesible at:


It took us a while to get it published, but we hope that the scientific community will appreciate these results and the new application of metabarcoding techniques to natural benthic communities.

The article is dedicated to Alex Macía, owner of the Cíes Diving club, who provided logistics in the Atlantic Islands, and who recently died while following his passion for diving.

The supplementary material of the article includes the updated MOTU tables that summarize the biodiversity found in the two National Parks during our samplings.

Venn diagrams showing the number of different taxa recovered with 18S (blue) or COI (red) at different taxonomic ranks.
Venn diagrams showing the number of different taxa recovered with 18S (blue) or COI (red) at different taxonomic ranks.